Spouses & Life Partners Forum

Spouses, Life Partners and the Adult Children of EO MembersEO cares about the whole entrepreneur – not just their business.

Forums are at the heart of EO. These safe, confidential groups foster EO members’ peer-to-peer discussion and reflection in a supportive, noncompetitive and nonjudgmental atmosphere. An SLP Forum works the same way, but allows members’ SLPs to meet regularly with others who may share a similar mindset and who may be going through—or have gone through—similar experiences as the SLP of a leading entrepreneur.

That’s why EO has expanded access to families by providing spouses, life partners (SLPs) and the adult children of EO members with access to the MyEO platform. In addition to having access to the previously granted areas of the EO Network, SLPs can:

  • Champion MyEO events and MyEO groups for other SLPs and members (the description will indicate it is a MyEO initiative led by an SLP).
  • Register for MyEO events and MyEO groups Championed by EO members and open to SLPs (contingent on the MyEO Champion’s event setting).

Interested in the SLP forum in Pittsburgh, please contact info@eopittsburgh.org